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Let's print in Leipzig - Druckkunst-Museum Leipzig

Let's print in Leipzig



Workshop and Exhibition 

"Let's print in Leipzig" is a new kind of cooperation between three artistic printing workshops (stein_werk, Lithography and Letterpress Printing Workshop / Thomas Franke, Atelier für Radierung Leipzig / Maria Ondrej, atelier carpe plumbum / Thomas Siemon) from Leipzig with the Museum of the Printing Arts Leipzig. The participants invite nine international artists to Leipzig. For twelve days from the 20th to the 31st of August they will realize their graphic works with the historical presses. The special feature of the workshop is the experimental format. Only in the historic workshops of the museum all three different printing techniques can be used artistically, enabling new graphic expressions. The artists are supported by the heads of the three printing workshops. Afterwards, the corresponding exhibition "Let's print in Leipzig" will present the work results as well as other graphic works by the participating artists. In the Year of European Cultural Heritage and the Gutenberg Year 2018, both of which are celebrated throughout Europe, the artist workshop is a contribution to the vibrant intangible cultural heritage of printing technology. The workshop and exhibition are given topicality by the fact that in the middle of March 2018 the artistic printing techniques were recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by the German UNESCO commission.

Involved artists: Luke Carter (Leipzig), Sebastian Gögel (Leipzig), Pascale Hémery (Paris, France), John Jacobsmeyer (New York, USA), Yvette Kießling (Leipzig), Marie Carolin Knoth (Leipzig), Ellen Möckel (Berlin), Robert Schwark (Berlin), Thomas Widmer (Winterthur, Switzerland)

© Thomas Siemon - atelier carpe plumbum

Working on a lino cut

Lime stone for lithography

Printing process

Printing of an etching

Preparing wood and lino cuts







  • Guided tours on following Sundays, at 12:
    9.9., 21.10., 11.11.2018 
    Guide: Artist Sebastian Gögel.
  • Tour 60+ on following Tuesdays, 3 pm:
    18.9., 23.10.

  • Workshops: Please have a look at our          german section

Partners / supporters:

Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen (exhibition)

Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig (workshops)

Römerturm Feinstpapier GmbH & Co. KG

Hubertus Altgelt Stiftung

Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Druckkunst Leipzig e.V.

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Stiftung Werkstattmuseum

für Druckkunst Leipzig

Nonnenstraße 38 | 04229 Leipzig

+49 341/2 31 62-0

+49 341/2 31 62-20


© Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig 2025