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Composing Techniques - Druckkunst-Museum Leipzig

Composing Techniques

The collection gives a detailed overview on composing techniques starting in the early 15th century when letters were composed by hand up to modern techniques like machine composing or DTP.

A lettercase

Text lines, created by hand and a composing stick

The „Linotype“ — speed up for composing!

Details on newspaper printing

Samplefont for Diatype devices

Some Macintosh-Models are showing the development of Desktop Publishing since 1989

The development of a working composing machine was among the most difficult problems to solve in the history of technology. Inventors attempted to liberate themselves with the thought of superseding the hand process by mechanically assembling cast type from the foundry together in rows. 


After using metal for hundreds of years to produce types, phototypesetting became more and more famous in the middle of the 20th century. Today computers are mostly used for creating texts and pictures for printing forms. 


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Stiftung Werkstattmuseum

für Druckkunst Leipzig

Nonnenstraße 38 | 04229 Leipzig

+49 341/2 31 62-0

+49 341/2 31 62-20


© Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig 2025