Sabine Golde. Artist Books carivari



Carivari was founded in 1992 in Leipzig and since then the work can be seen in exhibitions and fairs in Germany and abroad.
The book as a stage on which words are staged. It is a container to gather ideas and thoughts, to create a context between word and image and to make them tangible and visually tangible as objects.
One inspiration is contemporary music. It incurred editions to texts and compositions by John Cage + Erik Satie. Other topics include poetry, philosophical essays and scientific digressions in the Edition ed.LOG.

For more information please visit

Alphabetische Assoziationen, Wandinstallation, © Sabine Golde 2011

Empty Mind, Fragmente zu John Cage, © Sabine Golde 2014

Menetekel, dt.-hebr. Bibeltext, Gedicht von Hans Magnus Enzensberger, © Sabine Golde 2008




Guided Tours (in German)

  • Guided tours with Sabine Golde:
  • Sunday, 12 pm:
    26.11.2017, 14.1. und 11.3.2018
  • Tour 60+: Tuesday, 14.11., 3 pm 
    (reduced entrance fee for visitors 60+)

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Stiftung Werkstattmuseum

für Druckkunst Leipzig

Nonnenstraße 38 | 04229 Leipzig

+49 341/2 31 62-0

+49 341/2 31 62-20

© Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig 2024